InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauPreprocessing BIG Data In Julia With LathePutting the Julia language and Lathe to the test with BIG data.Aug 22, 2021473Aug 22, 2021473
InTDS ArchivebyEduardo BlancasOn writing clean Jupyter notebooks10 recommendations for writing readable and maintainable notebooksJul 23, 20211.7K20Jul 23, 20211.7K20
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauMetaprogramming A Coordinate Parser With Compose In JuliaCombining Oop and Meta in a functional programming languageApr 10, 202035Apr 10, 202035
InTDS ArchivebyAri Joury, PhDBye-bye Python. Hello Julia!As Python’s lifetime grinds to a halt, a hot new competitor is emergingMay 1, 202013.3K106May 1, 202013.3K106
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauAn Introduction To The Julia And PKG REPLsGet familiar with the magical world of Julia for scientific programming!Sep 23, 2020127Sep 23, 2020127
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauAn Introduction To Conditions And Methods In JuliaAn introduction to making methods and using conditionals in the Julia programming languageSep 25, 202025Sep 25, 202025
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauWhy Scientific Computing Is SO Great With JuliaWhat’s so great about this young scientific programming language?Sep 25, 20201033Sep 25, 20201033
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauCould Pluto Be A Real Jupyter Replacement?A brief overview and comparison between Pluto.jl notebooks and other development solutions for the Julia programming language.Oct 16, 2020845Oct 16, 2020845
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauIn-Depth Look At Data Structures In JuliaA quick introduction to data structures in the Julia programming language.Oct 21, 202082Oct 21, 202082
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauIntro To Software Engineering In The Julia Programming LanguageAn overview of directories and environments as they are defined in the Julia language.Jan 2, 2021148Jan 2, 2021148
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauHow To Turn Julia Into Python!How to use the object-oriented programming paradigm in the Julia programming language.Jan 6, 20211235Jan 6, 20211235
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauAn Advanced Look At Constructors In JuliaTaking a complete look at creating complex constructors with Julia.Jan 7, 202130Jan 7, 202130
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauIntro To Algorithms And Constructors In JuliaA quick intro to working with types and packages together in the Julia programming language.Jan 13, 202175Jan 13, 202175
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauJulia’s Fantastic CUDA ImplementationExplore the true power of easy parallel computing with the CUDA.jl package.Apr 5, 2021159Apr 5, 2021159
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauHow I Came To Love The Julia LanguageWhy Julia quickly became my favorite programming language for Data ScienceDec 15, 20201664Dec 15, 20201664
Christopher DossmanJulia Language in Machine Learning: Algorithms, Applications, and Open IssuesDevelopments in Julia Programming LanguageApr 6, 202034Apr 6, 202034
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauIntroducing Lathe: Pipelines For JuliaOne of the tools that I have definitely missed the most in the Julia language is SKlearn pipelines. With comparison to SKlearn, Lathe is…Nov 5, 201929Nov 5, 201929
InAnalytics VidhyabyEmma BoudreauWhy Julia Could Be The Data Science Language of The FutureShould you learn Julia for Data Science?Jan 22, 202018Jan 22, 202018
InTDS ArchivebyEmma BoudreauIntroducing PyLathe: Use Lathe In Python Using JuliaWhat’s a language boundary?Jan 30, 20201001Jan 30, 20201001
InTDS ArchivebyBernard BrenyahJulia For Data Science: How To Build Linear Regression From Scratch with JuliaPython and R are undoubtedly the language kings of the machine learning world currently.Jan 21, 2020612Jan 21, 2020612